F. Rota
Martí Guixé is an atypical creator. And this is why he rejects any labelling or attempt to classify him as a designer. In this profession he has been able to find his own space for expression in which he can develop naturally and with surprising liberty. His territory is that of ideas and his great merit is the ability to carry them out. He handles abstract concepts to find solutions to specific problems. If someone asks him to design a chair, Guixé will offer him an idea for sitting down. It seems easy but the fact is that there is no one else quite like him. He arrived in society in 1997 with an inverted version of the traditional Catalan bread with tomato —SPAMT— and since then he has not failed to surprise us with every new project. He likes to turn things round and he continues doing so. At BD we invited him to plan a new cabinet to form part of the collection which includes such individual pieces as the elegant Multileg by Jaime Hayon and the spectacular Tout va bien by the French graphic artists Antoine et Manuel. His proposal is called Free Port. “It is a modular piece of furniture made of container cubes, with various functions. They have a dynamic both in their volume and in their position and finish. The woods, all different and all synthetic, are always on the inside.” It is multifunctional. Perfect for being the centre for a party. It allows for different configurations, and can also work as an island piece. And if we ask Guixé to do a double version in a larger size, he turns it over again —literally— and builds it with simple superposition.
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